50th Anniversary of UNESCO’s MAB Programme

talk tidyverse

This is an executive summary of the talk presentation given to the different types of audience attended the 50th anniversary of UNESCO’s MAB Programme. This is an intergovernmental scientific programme that aims to establish a scientific basis for enhancing the relationship between people and their environments. It combines the natural and social sciences with a view to improving human livelihoods and safeguarding natural and managed ecosystems, thus promoting innovative approaches to economic development that are socially and culturally appropriate and environmentally sustainable.

Murera Gisa https://rpubs.com/mgisa (AIMS Rwanda)https://nexteinstein.org

blog post


The world day celebration of 50th anniversary of UNESCO Man and Biosphere (MAB) Program that aims to raise the awareness in environmental protection and create the free-pollution communities around the world.


In this workshop, Murera Gisa discuss how the data science technology should be used to protect the environment by focussing on the air quality data analysis, visualization and information dissemination through the developed Indoor Air Quality monitoring tools. We demonstrate handy functions in usethis, devtools,openairand other R built-in libraries and strategical packages for the entire data analysis workflow to the monitoring tool deployment and publicly avail it for policy implimentation.

The speaker share the other blog done on the Impact of Weather Conditions on Air Pollution Concentration which can be found Here to clearly show how data analytics might relevently identify the insightful information hidden from data and support the mitigation policy implimentation.